The Lab
The Genome Engineering and Measurement Lab (GEML) is a Knowledge Hub primarily aimed at syncing the scientific community with the rapidly evolving genome engineering methods and techniques. Our goal is not only to provide access to state of the art genome engineering tools and techniques, but also to develop and optimize new genome engineering methods and approaches. Available services and collaborative projects include generation and validation of mutant or transgenic cell lines, design and generation of pooled and arrayed CRISPR libraries, lentiviral particle and CAS9 protein production, CRISPR based screen design and execution, amplicon NGS, Off-target identification, and validation of Genetic Models.
So, why GEML?
The genome engineering field is evolving rapidly. It is thus very difficult to keep up with the developments of the technology while also remaining on top of your research field. Furthermore, more complex workflows such as whole genome screening and the increasing need to identify and minimize off-targets rely on massive parallel sequencing, that requires specialized equipment, personel, and tools for analysing and interpreting the data.
In GEML, we bring all these features together. We combine the latest molecular biology tools with powerful next generation sequencing (NGS) platforms to streamline genome engineering related worklfows. And we leave the biological question to you. Don't let lack of expertise or knowledge, limited access to tools or reagents, and bad experimental design stop you from applying genome engineering in your research.